A blog of grumpiness, stilts and skin.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The boy from Bassendean

Is there anything Rolf Harris can't do?

We all know he's great with animals and kiddies, and a wiz with the wobble-board.

And, long before he grew the extra leg, he represented Western Australia as a junior back-stroker.

But Rolf the royal portraitist?

If you haven't seen his painting of Queen Elizabeth II in today's Murdoch press, it's well worth googling.

Liz was seeking a painter of refinement to bring forth her inner warmth. Unable to find one, she gave Rolf the gig.

And the amazing thing is, he succeeded.

Rolf's ebullience bubbles through the portrait's cheesy grin. It's as if he's risen up through the queen's sphincter, poked his arm out through her ear, and whacked his falsies into her gob.

And is that a touch of Van Gogh precision I see in the brushstokes of the queen's turquoise frock?

Well done, Rolf. You've got my Archibald vote.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not sure myself, thanks for the link pal, http://www.rolfharris.com/news/

I think it looks like a mixture of Sir Les and Dame Edna??? or maybe even Mrs Atkinson from next door. odd .....

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

But that is what she looks like! :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


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