White Page Hookup!
Hey, gang!
Just in time for Christmas, here's a ripper new game the whole family can enjoy.
It's called White Page Hookup, and is brought to you by the House of Grumpy.
Here's how you play:
1. Open up the residential phone book of your home town or city;
2. Note the first name, and the last name, that appear in your phone book;
3. Post 'em up here.
It's that easy!
To get you started, here's an example from the Perth White Pages:
P Aagesan of Marmion/CH Zyzowski of Hillarys
Bona fide improvements on this result will be compiled at Grumpy HQ, and promulgated here - thereby bringing a lucky 'A' and a lonely 'Z' from different corners of the globe a little closer together!
As the House of Grumpy is keen to retain a modicum of privacy for these good folk, no streets or phone numbers, please!
So hop to it, now!
You'll find it pleasantly refreshing.
That's White Page Hookup - brought to you by the House of Grumpy.
That name again? White Page Hookup. (House of Grumpy).
Small print: White Pages Bingo may cause birth defects.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Due to feedback that it really wasn't 'bingo', the game's name has been changed to "White Page Hookup". I think this has a lot more sex appeal*
*(which could lead to even more birth defects)
Thursday, December 22, 2005
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