It could be worse
While I can't say I'm overly enamoured with the nickname Grumpy (bestowed I might add by my supposedly loving wife), it does have some redeeming features.
Like being linked to such fine franchises as Grumpy's Bar and Grill, the Grump online solitaire game, and the Grumpy Old Men and Grumpy Old Women TV series.
And I don't recall Filthy, Crabby or Stinky ever making it into Snow White's First VII.
But would it make a good pizza name?
Monday, January 23, 2006
Hmm, the Grumpy:
A nice, oily number, topped with brussel sprouts and broiled liver, all on an anchovy puree base.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Didn't a Grump steal Christmas?
Ohh ..that was a Grinch...sorry
I'm sure these word verications are getting longer and longer
xvmmccf...good grief!
Monday, January 23, 2006
They're getting so long, TB, that we'll soon need a degree in advanced physics to figure them out.
bewdy mmqpewdy.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
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