A blog of grumpiness, stilts and skin.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

It's official

Perth's coldest ever recorded minimum - minus 0.7 degrees Celsius - happened this morning.


But it didn't stop intrepid Hazel nagging me out from under the dooner for a kayak to Seal Island, where one particularly blubberised seal managed to roll his gut into the chilly water and loll on the shoreline as we looked on.

Swings and roundabouts


Can't live with 'em.

Can't find the Caramel Crowns.

West of western

I'm watching East of Eden, waiting for the footy to come on.

It's a pretty good movie - James Dean and all that.

We're up to the part where ol' Jimmy D. has decided to make something of himself. Yeah, he's started working pretty hard to prove those pesky lettuces can be refrigerated. So hard in fact that one of the older farm hands has commented: "I've never seen anybody work so hard".

Is it just me, or can you sniff a nosedive lurking around the corner too?

Friday, June 16, 2006

And you know how pissed off he's gonna be.

Yep. Those amazing human bodies were pretty well hung.

But all this hoo-ha from the promoters that their amazing exhibition is probably the last time you'll get to see inside a human body. Oh, paleeease.

I'm certain, that at this very moment, Hollywood is unthawing John Wayne for Amazing Celebrity Human Bodies.


I dragged my carcass into Perth yesterday to see that Amazing Human Body exhbition from China.

Yes, yes, I've heard the talk 'round town that the 17 whole male, and one whole female, bodies may well be former Falun Gong members.

But they're pretty well hung.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Well, it's expensive these days.

Old Wilson next door asks the darndest questions.

Last year, when I was studying - and, might I add, working part-time - he kept asking: "so, everything right on the financial front?"

"Yeah, better than you, you penny-pinching pensioner," I'd reply.

Yesterday, as I started the new Subaru up, Wilson asked me if I had enough petrol.