Those are some pretty impressive looking cars the fuzz sporting. Hate to imagine what the speedsters' cars look like. What are you chaps driving in Austrailia, rockets ... bloody hell. I don't see to many cars that look like that in the States. Only in places like Nevada and California which are basically dragstripland. Hope someday to visit Austrailia.
nice police cars! our local county sherrifs are now using brand new dodge chargers... now THOSE are some nice looking cop cars!
i love a good parade, this time of year for us we get a holiday parade that is colda dn damp but fun none the less, since we all know we wont see another parade until june!
Is that a parade, or the queue to get in to Langtrees?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Now you mention it, Langtrees was pretty packed for a Sunday evening.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Those are some pretty impressive looking cars the fuzz sporting. Hate to imagine what the speedsters' cars look like. What are you chaps driving in Austrailia, rockets ... bloody hell. I don't see to many cars that look like that in the States. Only in places like Nevada and California which are basically dragstripland. Hope someday to visit Austrailia.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
nice police cars! our local county sherrifs are now using brand new dodge chargers... now THOSE are some nice looking cop cars!
i love a good parade, this time of year for us we get a holiday parade that is colda dn damp but fun none the less, since we all know we wont see another parade until june!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
oooh ... if u look closely u can see me there ... im holding a white balloon.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
To cover your shame:-)?
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
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