A blog of grumpiness, stilts and skin.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Roundabout way

So, this morning Hazel and I are driving around the streets of Perth, quite aimlessly as is our weekend wont, when I hang a left off Shepherd Road into a residential backwater of Burswood that I quite like.

"Where are we going?" Haze asks, as if there's ever any rhyme or reason to our meandering cross-town forays.

"I dunno," replies I, "but isn't it nice around here? Where would you like to go?"

"Oh, just home," Hazel wet-blankets.

"So you have some chores to do, hey?"

"Yes, chores."

So, back along the stop-start Canning Highway to the historic Port city we return, greet our spritely ginger puss at the front door, and shuffle into the hallway.

"See you later," Hazel says prizing the keys from my grip. "I'm off to Bezley's for an hour or so."

"But, I thought you were gonna do chores," I doth protesths.

"Oh, I thought that was your funny way of asking if I was gonna go out," Haze chuckles.

Enjoy your drive, Hazel.


Blogger Spud Mack said...

I live in a residential backwater of Burswood. You should have dropped by. I could have told you all about cemeteries.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

Residential backwater of Burswood - is that what you call the high roller room?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comment left as directed.....

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Blogger Spud Mack said...

I agree that the high roller room is a backwater as it is full of pretend millionaires. Mind you, they do have very nice fruit platters and fancy tea-bags that expand in to lotus flowers when they hit the water.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

D, Thank you. A bity sub your normal par, but all is forgiven.

Spudster, I've never beeen to the gambling bit of Burswood.

Given its secret attractiveness to infidel Malaysian, Indonesian and Bruneain businessmen, do you reckon it's a terrorism target?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Blogger Spud Mack said...

For some reason, I wouldn't imagine the subject of Perth would even appear on the Al-Qaeda AGM minutes, let alone the casino itself.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

I'm talkin' more Jamal Islamaya.

They have meticulous minutes.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


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