A blog of grumpiness, stilts and skin.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Butey Newk

On Saturday, Haze and I took our red Ford Laser ute for a spin down to Boyup Brook to check out the annual ute and truck muster there.

Sadly there were no WRX utes in the muster. But there was a solid collection of commercial vehicles all the same.

And when the utes and semis revved up for the bog lap around the little town, their combined horsepower sounded like a WRX.

BTW, that's me in the foreground.



Blogger hazelblackberry said...

One could comment, but one will not.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

One just did.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did they break the record or are those pesky eastern-staters still in front?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

Alas, K., the world record for Jacky Howe (blue singlet) wearing still rests with Deniliquin (Eastern States).

Deniliquin's record stands at 1474. Boyup Brook only musterered 1015. There's always next year, but.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I know where Deni is. I've been to the Deni Show! (Saw a lot of sheep. A lot of sheep.)
ps iwlgu too.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


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